Maria Ipiña of Dallas (left) and Candy Priano of California raise awareness on Capitol Hill about the inherent risks of police chases, which claimed their innocent daughters’ lives, Angeles Ipiña and Kristie Priano.

About Candy's Advocacy

Writer.   PursuitSAFETY Founder.   Victims’ Advocate.   Speaker.

By Candy Priano
I was helpless to save my Kristie, an innocent bystander, from an unnecessary vehicular police pursuit but have come a long way since 2002, when I wept on the cold casket holding my fifteen-year-old daughter.

The deaths of innocent bystanders remain hidden from view, and I never expected to become an advocate of pursuit safety, but I have discussed this public safety issue on major networks, including ABC Nightly News, NBC, CBS, and CNN San Francisco, a segment that went national on the morning shows.


I debated representatives from law enforcement on MSNBC’s Connected: Coast to Coast and the FOX cable news show Heartland. Reporters from USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, and Richmond Times-Dispatch are among those who have told Kristie’s story and informed their readers about PursuitSAFETY.Beyond the ongoing media interviews from the increase in pursuit crashes happening today, I accept speaking engagements and conduct webinars to the following audiences:

  • Law enforcement and insurance companies via my presentation, The Other Side of the Windshield
  • College and university students, who react to Kristie’s story and usually end my presentation, saying, “But Kristie was innocent!”
  • High school groups hear me tell them to PULL OVER: Have No Regrets and public safety venues, victims’ associations, church groups, and civic organizations.

Visit these two sites: my National 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization,, and, my website covering Kristie’s story and features an interactive map to tell the stories of other innocent victims. Write to me at with your story.

Esther Seoanes, Roger Schwermer, Candy Priano, and Glenn Morshower are on the set.

Esther and I wearing our Chicago police caps at a Safer Way Award luncheon.

Kristie and me.

Family. Mark, Candy holding Sassy, Steven, Chance, and Kristie.

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