Rob Bastian

Robert L. Bastian Jr., partner of the Law Offices of Bastian & Dini, Beverly Hills, is a board member with PursuitSAFETY.

Not So Black and White

Perspectives: Law Enforcement

by Robert Bastian Jr.

Underneath that rigid view of right and wrong is an implicit balancing test diminishing the value of the persons drawing the negative lottery ticket. That human roadblock [innocent bystander] is an abstract entity until the number is drawn. Thereafter, it is Kristie Priano.
by Robert Bastian Jr.

California has one specific area of law which is shamefully unique among the fifty states. California Vehicle Code Section 17004.7 provides near absolute immunity to law enforcement for injury to innocent bystanders caused by poorly executed police vehicle chases. All other states provide for at least some form of liability. Only California makes redress in court…

Read the rest of the story here.

Kristie’s Law Would Control Cop Chases

by Robert L. Bastian Jr.

The Los Angeles Police Department has no explanation for why, on the night of last March 31, 2005 a motorcycle officer continued a wild pursuit of a forgery suspect on motorcycle through Westside red lights onto Beverly Hills sidewalks.

April 11, 2005 — The Los Angeles Police Department has no explanation for why, on the night of last March 31, a motorcycle officer continued a wild pursuit of a forgery suspect on motorcycle through Westside red lights…

Read the rest of the story here.

Ensuring Justice for Innocent Victims

Forum Column

by Robert Bastian Jr.

“Whenever some innocent driver or pedestrian is killed as a result of a high-speed chase,” writes Thomas Sowell in one of  his September columns, “editorials are sure to appear, saying this would not have happened if the police had just let the high-speed driver go on his way without pursuing.”

“Some” innocent driver or pedestrian?  I regularly read Thomas Sowell’s column, and I don’t recall him describing other crime victims in this way?  He wants us to believe he cares about the innocent, but he doesn’t show it. Some people refer to the blameless children, grandchildren, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters killed and maimed in police chases as “that family,” “that woman,”…

Read the rest of the story here.

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